The actual sound-pressure levels in your installation depend on a variety of factors, including the number of chassis in the installation, the size, materials, and configuration of the room where the racks are installed, the noise levels from other equipment, the room ambient temperature, and employees' locations in relation to the equipment. When you plan for the noise level in your environment, remember to include the noise from the chassis fans. Several fan modules might be required to cool the chassis, and the fans can generate a measurable noise level, depending on the type and number of devices that are installed.
Your installation might be subject to government regulations, such as those prescribed by OSHA or European Community Directives, that cover noise-level exposure in the workplace. Consult a qualified person, such as an industrial hygienist, to determine the sound-pressure levels to which employees are exposed.
For more information about noise considerations, see the Lenovo Flex System Enterprise Chassis Features and Specifications section.