To establish mutual authentication between the CMM and
an external LDAP server, have the CMM certificate-signing
request (CSR) signed by an outside Certificate Authority (CA) using
the CMM management
To generate a CSR on the CMM and
get it signed by using the CMM web
interface, complete the following steps:
- Start a CMM web
interface session.
- Click Mgt Module Management > Security and select
the LDAP Client Security tab.
- Select the option to either import, or paste certificate information,
then click Apply Import.
To generate a CSR on the CMM and
get it signed by using the CMM CLI,
complete the following steps:
- Start a CMM CLI
session (see Starting the command-line interface for instructions).
Note: The
sslcfg command
must be targeted to the primary
The following example assumes that the command environment has been
set to the primary
CMM through
env command (see
env command for information about command
use). If the command environment has not been set to the primary
you can direct the command to the primary
CMM by
using the
-T mm[p] option (see
Command targets for information).
- Generate the CSR on the CMM by
using the CMM CLI sslcfg command
(see sslcfg command for additional information
about command use):
sslcfg -gen csr -c "country" -sp "state" -cl "city" -on "org" -hn hostname
required options are as follows:
- country is two-character alphabetic code for the country,
in double quotation marks.
- state is a state or province name of up to 60 characters
in length, in double quotation marks.
- city is a city or locality name of up to 50 characters
in length, in double quotation marks.
- org is an organization name of up to 60 characters in length,
in double quotation marks.
- hostname is a valid host name of up to 60 characters in
Note: You can specify additional optional fields for the CSR,
if needed (see
sslcfg command for additional information).
- Download the CMM CSR
to the specified server by using the CMM CLI sslcfg command.
Depending on your CMM configuration,
supported server types can include TFTP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and SFTP.
See sslcfg command for additional information
about command use.
sslcfg -dnld csr -u URL_of_location_to_put_file
where URL_of_location_to_put_file is
a fully qualified location that specifies the server type, the IPv4
or IPv6 IP address of the server, and a valid file name of up to 256
characters and containing any character except the percent sign (
% ), forward slash ( / ), or double quotation marks ( " ).
- Using the approved procedure for your organization, sign the CSR;
then, place the signed certificate on a TFTP server for uploading.
- Import the signed certificate to the CMM by
using the CMM CLI sslcfg command
(see sslcfg command for additional information
about command use):
sslcfg -upld -u URL_of_certificate_location
where URL_of_certificate_location is a fully qualified
location that specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 IP address of the server
and a valid file name, of up to 256 characters and containing any
character except the percent sign ( % ) or double quotation marks
( " ). The forward slash ( / ) can be used only as part of the path
name, not as part of the file name.
- Make sure that the certificate or the certificate chain of the
entity that signed the new CMM LDAP
client certificate is imported into the LDAP server. This makes sure
that the LDAP server trusts the certificate (see the documentation
for your LDAP server for information and instructions).
- Note that this procedure allows the external LDAP server to trust
the CMM,
but not any other management components in the Lenovo Flex System
chassis. For the external LDAP server to trust other management components,
such as IMMs, import the CA into the external LDAP server, following
the steps in Mutual authentication using CA, or, if the chassis
policy allows, export a CSR from each management component, get it
signed, and import it back into the corresponding Lenovo Flex System
chassis management component.