CMM network access tag

Information that you need to initially connect to the CMM is on the network access tag.

Important: Remove the network access tag from the CMM, before you install the CMM in a Flex System chassis.

The network access tag lists the following initial connection information for the CMM:

The network access tag is attached to the front of the CMM, as shown in the following illustration.

Note: If DHCP connection (default setting) fails, connection is attempted using the IPv4 static IP address.
Illustration that shows location of the CMM network access tag

The front of the network access tag lists the CMM MAC address, default host name, and IPv6 link local address (LLA), as shown in the following illustration.

Example illustration of the front view of the CMM network access tag

The rear of the of the network access tag lists the CMM default URL (IPv4 static IP address), default user name, and default password, as shown in the following illustration.

Example illustration of the rear view of the CMM network access tag.

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