update command errors

This topic lists error messages for the update command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See update command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. update command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-img is required for this type of switch. A user tries to update an individual firmware image, for an I/O module that supports update of individual firmware images, without including the -img option.
-r must be used with -u to update firmware to CMM and automatically reboot CMM if firmware update succeeds. A user tries to enter a command with the -r option to update firmware to a primary CMM, but fails to include the -u option.
A reset cannot be issued right now. If you still want to reset the primary CMM, please use 'reset -o' to override this warning. A condition exists that is preventing the CMM from resetting after the update. You can either wait and try the command again or force the CMM to reset immediately using the reset -o override option.
A reset cannot be issued right now. The primary CMM is initializing, and a reset might result in a failover. If you still want to reset the primary CMM, please use 'reset -o' to override this warning. A condition exists that is preventing the CMM from resetting after the update. You can either wait and try the command again or force the CMM to reset immediately using the reset -o override option.
A reset cannot be issued right now. The primary CMM is verifying the code level on the standby CMM. Please try again later. A user tries to update and reboot the primary CMM while it is busy.
A reset cannot be issued right now. The standby CMM is flashing, and a reset might result in a failover. Please try again later. A user tries to update and reboot the primary CMM while the standby CMM is unable to support failover.
A reset cannot be issued right now. The standby CMM is in a post-flash initialization state, and a reset might result in a failover. If you still want to reset the primary CMM, please use 'reset -o' to override this warning. A user tries to update and reboot the primary CMM while the standby CMM is unable to support failover.
A reset cannot be issued right now. The standby CMM is in an unknown state, and a reset might result in a failover. If you still want to reset the primary CMM, please use 'reset -o' to override this warning. A condition exists that is preventing the CMM from resetting after the update. You can either wait and try the command again or force the CMM to reset immediately using the reset -o override option.
Cannot perform this command right now. The agent is not active. A user tries to enter a command while the agent is not active.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. The primary CMM is initializing. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. The primary CMM is verifying the code level on the standby CMM. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. The standby CMM is flashing. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. The standby CMM is in an unknown state. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. The standby CMM is in post-flash initialization. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. The standby CMM is not present. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. Please try again later. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Disabling failover failed. An error occurs while the CMM is turning off the automatic failover feature.
Error checking standby CMM status. Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Error checking standby CMM status. The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
Error reading information for firmware image index.maximum

where index specifies the firmware image.

An error occurs while the CMM is reading information for a specified firmware image.
Error reading the number of firmware images. An error occurs while the CMM is reading the number of firmware images.
Flash operation failed. An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flash operation failed status percentage

where the percentage value varies based on when the problem was encountered.

An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flash operation not in process or status unavailable. An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flash operation timed out percentage.

where the percentage value varies based on when the problem was encountered.

An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flash preparation - error sending packet file filename.

where filename identifies the file being updated.

An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flash preparation error. Packet percent complete percentage. Flash percent complete percentage.

where the percentage value varies based on when the problem was encountered.

An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flash preparation error. Timeout on packet preparation operation percentage.

where the percentage value varies based on when the problem was encountered.

An error occurs during the flash firmware update.
Flashing not supported on this target. A user attempts to run the update command on a module that does not support flash firmware updates.
Getting data encryption setting failed. If data encryption is enabled and you are updating the firmware to a level which does not support data encryption, you will lose all your configuration settings as a result. An error occurs while the CMM is reading the data encryption setting.
Getting name of mm bay_number failed.

where the bay_number identifies the CMM specified.

An error occurs while the CMM is reading the name of the CMM in designated bay.
Invalid image index. Index must be less than maximum

where maximum designates the largest permitted index value.

A user tries to enter an image index that is greater than the maximum permitted index value.
Invalid option. An invalid command option is entered. For the update command, invalid command option errors include:
  • the -i (IP address) command option does not have an IP address parameter
  • the -i (IP address) command option specifies an invalid IP address
  • attempting to enter the -i (IP address) command option without the -n (filename) command option
  • the -n (filename) command option does not have a file name parameter
  • attempting to enter the -n (filename) command option without the -i (IP address) command option
  • attempting to enter the -v (verbose) command option without the -i (IP address) command option and -n (filename) command option
  • attempting to enter the -v (verbose) command option with the -a command option
Invalid syntax. The user tries to execute a command without specifying a command option.
CMMbay_number is not installed.

where the bay_number identifies the CMM specified.

The command is targeted to a CMM bay where no CMM is installed.
Rebooting CMM failed. An error occurs while the CMM is trying to reboot.
Status: Unable to read status. An error occurs while the CMM is reading status.
TFTP Error: error_code.

where the error_code can have one of the following values:

  • Access violation.
  • Connection failure.
  • Disk full or allocation exceeded.
  • File already exists.
  • File error.
  • File not found.
  • Illegal option negotiation.
  • Illegal TFTP operation.
  • Unable to allocate memory.
  • Unknown transfer ID.
  • Unknown user.
An error occurs when the user attempts to set up the TFTP connection.
The primary CMM is initializing. The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
The primary CMM is verifying the code level on the standby CMM. The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
The standby CMM is flashing. The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
The standby CMM is in an unknown state. The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
The standby CMM is in post-flash initialization. The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
The standby CMM might take over as primary during this reboot. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM that includes the -r flag, when the standby CMM isn't synchronized and running.
There was a problem retrieving the file. An error occurred when transferring the file.
Unable to read blade server VPD bay bay_numbername.

where the bay_number and name identify the blade server by location and name.

The command specifies an empty compute node bay or an error occurs when reading the VPD.
Unable to read I/O Module VPD bay bay_numbername.

where the bay_number and name identify the I/O module by location and name.

The command specifies an empty I/O-bay or an error occurs when reading the VPD.
Unable to read MM VPD bay bay_numbername.

where the bay_number and name identify the CMM by location and name.

The command specifies an empty CMM bay or an error occurs when reading the VPD.
Unable to read VPD for Blade node_numbername.

where the node_number and name identify the compute node by location and name.

An error occurs while the CMM is reading the VPD of the targeted compute node.
Unknown device type. The command is targeted to an unknown device type.
Update error. Invalid destination. A user tries to issue a command to a target that is not valid.

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