update command

This command updates firmware using the uniform resource locator (URL) of a TFTP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, or SFTP server and displays information about firmware installed in Lenovo Flex System components.

Attention: Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the CMM to malfunction. Before you install a firmware update, read any readme and change history files that are provided with the downloaded update. These files contain important information about the update and the procedure for installing the update, including any special procedure for updating from an early firmware version to the latest version.
Important: Some cluster solutions require specific code levels or coordinated code updates. If the device is part of a cluster solution, verify that the latest level of code is supported for the cluster solution before you update the code.
  • When the CMM is set to "Secure" security mode, only secure file transfer methods, such as HTTPS and SFTP, can be used for tasks involving file transfer when the CMM is acting as a server. Unsecure file transfer protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, and TFTP, are disabled when the CMM is acting as a server when the security mode is set to "Secure". Unsecure file transfer protocols remain available for a CMM acting as a client for all commands when the security mode is set to "Secure".
  • For information about how to specify a URL for file transfer, see Specifying a URL for file transfer.
  • The CMM update command does not support updating compute node firmware. If an optional management device, such as the Lenovo XClarity Administrator or Flex System Manager management server is installed in the Lenovo Flex System chassis, you can update compute node firmware using the management device program (see Flex System Firmware Update Guides). Depending on your compute node type, other methods are available for updating compute node firmware. See the documentation for your compute node for information.
  • For additional information about updating firmware for Lenovo Flex System, seeFlex System Firmware Update Guides (you might need to register to access this content).

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or update command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the update command.

Table 1. update command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display firmware attributes Displays attributes of the firmware installed in the command target. Return values are:
  • Firmware type
  • Build ID
  • Filename
  • Release date
  • Revision level
  • When the command target is the primary CMM, this command will return the values for the currently active firmware and for the pending firmware, that will become active after the next CMM reboot.
  • For a standby CMM, the returned value will also indicate if a firmware update is in progress and the percentage that is complete.
  • For I/O modules that support it, this command will also display firmware image information.
update -a
Primary or standby CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[s]
  • mm[S]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary or standby CMM bay number.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Update firmware using URL Update firmware for the command target using a uniform resource locator (URL).
  • Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the CMM to malfunction.
Important: Command authority definitions might change between firmware versions. Make sure that the command authority level set for each user is correct after updating CMM firmware (see Commands and user authority).
  • Updating to older firmware levels may cause loss of certain functionality.
  • When the primary CMM firmware image is updated, the "old" primary image becomes the "new" backup image. These changes do not take effect until the CMM is rebooted.
  • Some I/O modules support only RSA fingerprinting when updating through SFTP. See the documentation that comes with your I/O module for information.
update -u URL

where URL is fully qualified uniform resource locator, including file name, of the tftp, ftp, http, https, or sftp server where the firmware update image is located.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis administration (for CMM)
  • I/O module administration (for I/O module)
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Update firmware and reboot Update firmware and reboot the CMM to use new firmware if the update succeeds.
  • Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the CMM to malfunction.
Important: Command authority definitions might change between firmware versions. Make sure that the command authority level set for each user is correct after updating CMM firmware.
Note: When the primary CMM firmware image is updated, the "old" primary image becomes the "new" backup image. These changes do not take effect until the CMM is rebooted.
update -u URL-r

where URL is fully qualified uniform resource locator, including file name, of the tftp, ftp, http, https, or sftp server where the firmware update image is located.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis administration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Update firmware (verbose) Update firmware for the command target, showing details of the firmware download and flash operations. The detailed information is not shown until the update is complete, which might take several minutes.
  • Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the CMM to malfunction.
Important: Command authority definitions might change between firmware versions. Make sure that the command authority level set for each user is correct after updating CMM firmware.
  • Updating to older firmware levels may cause loss of certain functionality.
  • When the primary CMM firmware image is updated, the "old" primary image becomes the "new" backup image. These changes do not take effect until the CMM is rebooted.
  • Some I/O modules support only RSA fingerprinting when updating through SFTP. See the documentation that comes with your I/O module for information.
update -u URL-v

where URL is fully qualified uniform resource locator, including file name, of the tftp, ftp, http, https, or sftp server where the firmware update image is located.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis administration (for CMM)
  • I/O module administration (for I/O module)
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Update I/O module firmware Directly update I/O module firmware image.
Attention: Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the I/O module to malfunction. Before you install a firmware update, read any readme and change history files that are provided with the downloaded update. These files contain important information about the update and the procedure for installing the update, including any special procedure for updating from an early firmware version to the latest version.
  • Only some I/O modules have this capability.
  • Some I/O modules support only RSA fingerprinting when updating through SFTP. See the documentation that comes with your I/O module for information.
update -u URL -img img_index


  • URL is fully qualified uniform resource locator, including file name, of the tftp, ftp, http, https, or sftp server where the firmware update image is located.
  • img_index is the image index you are updating. Use the update -a command to list available images and their index numbers.
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • I/O module administration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Update I/O module firmware (verbose) Directly update I/O module firmware image, showing details of the firmware download and flash operations. The detailed information is not shown until the update is complete, which might take several minutes.
Attention: Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the I/O module to malfunction. Before you install a firmware update, read any readme and change history files that are provided with the downloaded update. These files contain important information about the update and the procedure for installing the update, including any special procedure for updating from an early firmware version to the latest version.
  • Only some I/O modules have this capability.
  • Some I/O modules support only RSA fingerprinting when updating through SFTP. See the documentation that comes with your I/O module for information.
update -u URL-img img_index -v


  • URL is fully qualified uniform resource locator, including file name, of the tftp, ftp, http, https, or sftp server where the firmware update image is located.
  • img_index is the image index to the I/O module firmware you are updating. Use the update -a command to list available images and their index numbers.
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • I/O module administration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Activate I/O module firmware Directly activate I/O module firmware image.
Note: Only some I/O modules have this capability.
update -activate img_index

where img_index is the image index you are activating. Use the update -a command to list available images and their index numbers.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • I/O module administration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Update and activate I/O module firmware Directly update I/O module and activate the firmware image.
Attention: Installing the wrong firmware update might cause the I/O module to malfunction. Before you install a firmware update, read any readme and change history files that are provided with the downloaded update. These files contain important information about the update and the procedure for installing the update, including any special procedure for updating from an early firmware version to the latest version.
  • Only some I/O modules have this capability.
  • The activate option can be used with the other options. You can flash first, then activate the specified index.
  • The image index you activate can be different from the one you update.
  • Some I/O modules support only RSA fingerprinting when updating through SFTP. See the documentation that comes with your I/O module for information.
update -u URL-img img_index-activate img_index


  • URL is fully qualified uniform resource locator, including file name, of the tftp, ftp, http, https, or sftp server where the firmware update image is located.
  • img_index is the image index you are activating. Use the update -a command to list available images and their index numbers.
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • I/O module administration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Example: To update the CMM firmware from a HTTP server and reboot the primary CMM in bay 2 after a successful update, while the Lenovo Flex System chassis is set as the persistent command environment, type the following command at the system:> prompt. For this example, the IP address of the HTTP server is and the firmware file containing the update is named cmefs.uxp that is in the flash sub-directory on the server. The verbose mode and reboot flag are also specified.
update -u -T mm[p] -v -r

The following example shows the information that is returned from the update command:

system> update -u -T mm[p] -v -r
Flashing firmware to target device
Starting flash packet preparation.
Flash operation phase starting.
Flashing - packet percent complete 0.
Flashing - packet percent complete 0.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
The new firmware will become active after the next reset of the MM.

Rebooting MM...

system> update -T switch[3] -u sftp://USERID:Passw0rd@ -img 1 -v
Flashing firmware to target device
Starting flash packet preparation.
Flash operation phase starting.
Flashing - packet percent complete 0.
Flashing - packet percent complete 0.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 25.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 70.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
Flashing - packet percent complete 90.
The new firmware will become active after the next reset of the IOM.

Rebooting IOM...

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