info command

This command displays information about Lenovo Flex System components and their configuration.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or info command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the info command.

Table 1. info command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display component information Displays identification and configuration information for the command target. info

Note: Only one target at a time can be viewed with the info command.

Lenovo Flex System chassis:
  • system
Primary or standby CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[s]
  • mm[S]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary or standby CMM bay number.
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Fan logic module:
  • fanmux[x]
  • where x is the fan logic module bay number.
Fan module:
  • blower[x]
  • where x is the fan module bay number.
Compute node expansion adapter:
  • exp[x]
  • where x is the expansion adapter number.
Compute node management card:
  • mgmtcrd[x]
  • where x is the management card number.
Compute node system-management processor:
  • sp

(continued on next page)

Display component information


Compute node expansion node:
  • be[x]
  • where x is the expansion node number.
Compute node microprocessor:
  • cpu[x]
  • where x is the microprocessor number.
Compute node memory:
  • memory[x]
  • where x is the memory module number.
Compute node flash DIMM storage module:
  • flashdimm[x]
  • where x identifies the flash DIMM storage module number.
Compute node add-in card:
  • addin[x]
  • where x is the add-in card number.
Compute node alarm panel:
  • tap[x]
  • where x is the alarm panel number.
Storage backplane:
  • stgbkplane[x]
  • where x is the storage backplane number.
Storage expansion enclosure:
  • bladeenclosure[x]
  • where x is the storage expansion enclosure number.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.

(continued on next page)

Display component information


Power supply:
  • power[x]
  • where x is the power supply bay number.
Rear LED card:
  • mt[x]
  • where x is the rear LED card.
Display management channel path information Displays the management channel path information for the specified command target. The following information is returned:
  • Channel status
  • MAC address
Note: For I/O modules that are members of a stack, the info -path command option is not applicable and should be disregarded.
info -path
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
  1. This command returns vital product data (VPD) information that is unique for each command target. For some targets, additional VPD information is available when using the CMM.
  2. Information returned for "Slots" is of the following format. This format applies only to information returned from the info command and is not used when specifying command targets.
    • Slots: x for devices that occupy one node bay, where x indicates the node bay.
    • Slots: x-y for devices that occupy two side-by-side node bays, where x indicates the left node bay and y indicates the right node bay.
    • Slots: x:y for multiple devices that occupy one node bay, where x indicates the node bay and y indicates the device within the node bay. Devices are numbered from bottom to top. with 1 being the lowest device and the number increasing as you move up.
    • Slots: x-y:z for multiple devices that occupy two side-by-side node bays, where x indicates the left node bay, y indicates the right node bay, and z indicates the device within the node bays. Devices are numbered from left to right. with 1 being on the left and the number increasing as you move to the right.
    • Slots: x,y,z for devices that occupy multiple non-contiguous node bays, where the node bay numbers are a comma-delimited list in ascending order. The list will specify a minimum of two bay numbers.
  3. For compute nodes, information returned for "Name" will display a read-only name, defined by the system, followed by a user-defined name in parenthesis, if one has been specified. For example, Name: Node 05 ( mynode5 ).
Example: To view the information about the Lenovo Flex System chassis, while the chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
To view the information about a compute node in bay 6, while the chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
info -T blade[6]
To view the information about compute node 1 in a logical node grouping in bay 3, while the chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
info -T bladegroup[3]:blade[1]
To view the information about the power module in bay 1, while the chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
info -T power[1]

The following example shows the information that might be returned from these commands:

system> info
UUID: 4478 DE2F 4E66 4D8C 8509 E6A6 BEE7 F364
Manufacturer: Lenovo (CELE)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 336
Mach type/model: 8721FT3
Mach serial number: B080SPb
Manuf date: 1211
Hardware rev: 3.1
Part no.: 88Y6680
FRU no.: 81Y2893
FRU serial no.: btNFAGB186SP
CLEI: Not Available
CMM bays: 2
Blade bays: 14
I/O Module bays: 4
Power Module bays: 6
Blower bays: 10
Rear LED Card bays: 1
U Height of Chassis 10
Product Name: Lenovo Flex Midplane
Global ID: 9TY48MBX

system> info -T blade[6]
Name: Node 05 ( node5 )
UUID: 60C2 2B17 0C5C B060 C183 060C DB30 6108
Manufacturer: Lenovo (Not Available)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 361
Mach type/model: 789523X
Mach serial number: 103600B
Manuf date: Not Available
Hardware rev: 0.0
Part no.: 00E1819
FRU no.: 00E1818
FRU serial no.: 10000003600B
CLEI: Not Available
Unique ID 1: Not Available
Unique ID 2: Not Available
Unique ID 3: Not Available
Unique ID 4: Not Available
Unique ID 5: Not Available
Unique ID 6: Not Available
Unique ID 7: Not Available
Unique ID 8: Not Available
Unique ID 9: Not Available
Unique ID 10: Not Available
Unique ID 11: Not Available
Unique ID 12: Not Available
Unique ID 13: Not Available
Unique ID 14: Not Available
Unique ID 15: Not Available
Unique ID 16: Not Available
MAC Address 1: Not Available
MAC Address 2: Not Available
MAC Address 3: Not Available
MAC Address 4: Not Available
MAC Address 5: Not Available
MAC Address 6: Not Available
MAC Address 7: Not Available
MAC Address 8: Not Available
MAC Address 9: Not Available
MAC Address 10: Not Available
MAC Address 11: Not Available
MAC Address 12: Not Available
MAC Address 13: Not Available
MAC Address 14: Not Available
MAC Address 15: Not Available
MAC Address 16: Not Available
        Build ID:       FW763.00 (AF763_042
        Rel date:       11/20/2015
        Rev:            1247
        Role:           Permanent
MP (pending)
        Build ID:       FW763.00 (AF763_042
        Rev:            1247
        Rel date:       11/20/12
Power On Time: Unknown

Number of Boots: 0
Product Name: Flex System p260 Compute Node
Device Description: Flex System p260
Slots: 5
Asset ID: Not Available
Product version: Not AvailableType: Compute Node (Scalable)system> info -T bladegroup[3]:blade[1]
Name: Node 03 - 01
Manufacturer: Lenovo (Not Available)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 405
Mach type/model: 7916Z11
Mach serial number: CAR2022
Manuf date: Not Available
Hardware rev: 2.0
Part no.: 95Y3397
FRU no.: 87Y0001
FRU serial no.: 232022
CLEI: Not Available
Unique ID 1: Not Available
Unique ID 2: Not Available
Unique ID 3: Not Available
Unique ID 4: Not Available
Unique ID 5: Not Available
Unique ID 6: Not Available
Unique ID 7: Not Available
Unique ID 8: Not Available
Unique ID 9: Not Available
Unique ID 10: Not Available
Unique ID 11: Not Available
Unique ID 12: Not Available
Unique ID 13: Not Available
Unique ID 14: Not Available
Unique ID 15: Not Available
Unique ID 16: Not Available
MAC Address 1: Not Available
MAC Address 2: Not Available
MAC Address 3: Not Available
MAC Address 4: Not Available
MAC Address 5: Not Available
MAC Address 6: Not Available
MAC Address 7: Not Available
MAC Address 8: Not Available
MAC Address 9: Not Available
MAC Address 10: Not Available
MAC Address 11: Not Available
MAC Address 12: Not Available
MAC Address 13: Not Available
MAC Address 14: Not Available
MAC Address 15: Not Available
MAC Address 16: Not Available
        Build ID:       1AOO33N
        Rel date:       09/14/2015
        Rev:            1.80
        Role:           Primary
        Build ID:       1AOO33N
        Rel date:       09/14/2015
        Rev:            1.80
        Role:           Backup
        Build ID:       CCE111NUS
        Rel date:       03/16/2015
        Rev:            1.00
        Role:           Primary
        Build ID:       CCE111NUS
        Rel date:       03/16/2015
        Rev:            1.00
        Role:           Backup
        Build ID:
        Rel date:       Not Available
        Role:           Primary
Power On Time: 0
Number of Boots: 0
Product Name: Flex System x222 Compute Node with embedded 10Gb Virtual Fabric
Device Description: Flex System x222
Slots: 3:1
Asset ID: Not Available
Product version: Not Available
Type: Compute Node (Scalable)system> info -T power[1]
UUID: 7F75 88EE 5C7D 4EC1 A954 1CBF 9853 9B00
Manufacturer: Lenovo (EMER)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 304
Mach type/model: Not Available
Mach serial number: Not Available
Manuf date: 2511
Hardware rev: 75.54
Part no.: 69Y5802
FRU no.: 69Y5806
FRU serial no.: ZK128116T040
CLEI: Not Available
Power Module firmware revision: 5
Power Module Cooling Device:
        Status: ok
        Count: 2
        Speed: 44%
        Avg RPM: 8300
Product Name: Lenovo 2500 W Power Supply
Device Description: Power Supply
Slots: 1
Asset ID: Not Available
Product version: Not Available
Type: Power Module
Input voltage: 200-208 VAC

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