dhcpinfo command

This command displays the IP configuration that is assigned by a DHCP server to the primary CMM external network interface, compute node management network interfaces, and I/O module DHCPv6 server.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or dhcpinfo command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the dhcpinfo command.

Table 1. dhcpinfo command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display Ethernet channel 0 DHCP configuration for primary CMM If the IP configuration for the primary CMM eth0 is assigned by a DHCP server, the configuration that is assigned by the DHCP server and DHCP server information is displayed. If the IP configuration for eth0 is not assigned by a DHCP server, an error message is displayed. Possible configuration values returned are:
  • -server dhcp_ip_address
  • -n hostname
  • -i ip_address
  • -g gateway_address
  • -s subnet_mask
  • -d domainname
  • -dns1 primary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns2 secondary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns3 tertiary_dns_ip_1address
  • -server6 IPv6_dhcp_ip_address
  • -i6 IPv6_address
  • -d6 IPv6_domainname
  • -dns61 IPv6_primary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns62 IPv6_secondary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns63 IPv6_tertiary_dns_ip_1address
dhcpinfo -eth0
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Display Ethernet channel 0 DHCP configuration for standbyCMM If the IP configuration for the standby CMM eth0 is assigned by a DHCP server, the configuration that is assigned by the DHCP server and DHCP server information is displayed. If the IP configuration for eth0 is not assigned by a DHCP server, an error message is displayed. Possible configuration values returned are:
  • -server dhcp_ip_address
  • -n hostname
  • -i ip_address
  • -g gateway_address
  • -s subnet_mask
  • -d domainname
  • -dns1 primary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns2 secondary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns3 tertiary_dns_ip_1address
  • -server6 IPv6_dhcp_ip_address
  • -i6 IPv6_address
  • -d6 IPv6_domainname
  • -dns61 IPv6_primary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns62 IPv6_secondary_dns_ip_address
  • -dns63 IPv6_tertiary_dns_ip_1address
dhcpinfo -eth0 -standby
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Display management network DHCP configuration for all compute node interfaces Displays the IPv6 configuration for all interfaces of the specified compute node assigned by a DHCP server. If the IP configuration for a compute node interface is not assigned by a DHCP server, an error message is displayed.
Note: If the CMM and compute nodes are set up to use DHCP and the CMM loses network connectivity, the CMM will attempt to acquire a new IP address when network connectivity is restored. The compute nodes will not attempt to acquire an IP address again; they will continue using their existing IP addresses. If you experience compute node network problems after connectivity between the CMM and network is restored, you might need to reset the system-management processor on each compute node in the chassis (including optional Lenovo XClarity Administrator or Flex System Manager hardware, if it is installed).
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Display management network DHCP configuration for specific compute node interface If the IPv6 configuration for the specified compute node interface is assigned by a DHCP server, the IPv6 IP address is displayed. If the IP configuration for the specified compute node interface is not assigned by a DHCP server, an error message is displayed. dhcpinfo -interface_label
where interface_label is any interface label reported by the compute node that specifies both the interface type and channel number. For example, eth0 for Ethernet channel 0. Valid interface types include:
  • usb for USB
  • eth for Ethernet

Valid interface types for a specific compute node can be seen by running the dhcpinfo command with no interface argument.

Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Display DHCP configuration for I/O module If the IPv6 configuration for the specified I/O module is assigned by a DHCP server, the IPv6 IP address is displayed. If the IPv6 configuration for the I/O module is not assigned by a DHCP server, an error message is displayed. dhcpinfo
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Example: To display the DHCP server assigned network settings for the compute node in bay 2, while the Lenovo Flex System chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
dhcpinfo -T blade[2]
To display the DHCP server assigned network settings for Ethernet channel 0 of the compute node in bay 2, while the Lenovo Flex System chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
dhcpinfo -T blade[2] -eth0
To display the DHCP server assigned network settings for Ethernet channel 0 of the primary CMM, while the Lenovo Flex System chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
dhcpinfo -eth0 -T mm[p]
To display the DHCP server assigned network settings for Ethernet channel 0 of the standby CMM, while the Lenovo Flex System chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
dhcpinfo -eth0 -standby -T mm[p]

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

system> dhcpinfo -T blade[2]

-i6 2000:1013::45b8:6a2a:ff92:4cd3

-i6 ::

system> dhcpinfo -T blade[2] -eth0
-i6 2000:1013::45b8:6a2a:ff92:4cd3

system> dhcpinfo -eth0 -T mm[p]
DHCP is disabled
-server6 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:9:37:64:33
-i6 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:277d:755d:da17:b127
-dns61 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:9:37:64:33
-dns62 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:d143:5ba3:e825:1136

system> dhcpinfo -eth0 -standby -T mm[p]
DHCP is disabled
-server6 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:9:37:64:33
-i6 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:4beb:50a3:ac71:b49f
-dns61 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:9:37:64:33
-dns62 fd55:faaf:e1ab:1019:d143:5ba3:e825:1136
-dns63 ::
