System-management processor firmware on node [arg1] does not support the use of imported certificates for local authentication.
The system-management processor firmware level for the specified node does not support the use of imported SSL server
certificates. The Chassis Management Module (CMM) is configured to use imported an SSL server certificate,
and the system-management processor for the specified node does not support that configuration. System-management
functions may not work correctly, including user login to the system-management processor on the node.
Note: for back-up purposes, the local authentication server on the CMM is always active,
even though an external LDAP server may be used.
Alert Category
Nodes (Warning)
Chassis LED that is Lit
CIM Information
and ID:0796
Automatically Notify Support
User Response
Ensure that the node system-management processor has the correct level of firmware to support the security functions
enabled on the CMM. If you cannot log onto the node system-management processor, you might need to
temporarily configure the CMM to use a server certificate that is signed by the local CMM certificate authority (CA).
Perform one of the following actions:
- Use the local CMM CA:
- From the CMM web-based user interface, click Mgt Module Management->Security->SSL Server Certificate.
- Select the option for the local-internally signed SSL Server Certificate.
- Attempt to reapply the installed certificate:
- From the CMM web-based user interface, click Mgt Module Management->Security->SSL Server Certificate.
- Select Re-Apply Installed Certificate.
Not all nodes in the chassis can support the use of imported SSL certificate, this option will result in the
LDAP server using a SSL certificate signed by the local CMM CA.
The CMM will begin using the imported certificate for the local authentication server after the
system-management processor firmware levels for all nodes in the chassis have been updated, and the imported
server certificate is re-applied using again the "Re-Apply Installed Certificate" option.