The Lenovo Flex System x222 Compute Node
Types 7916 and 2589 is
a high-density, scalable compute node that is ideally suited for high
performance and virtualized environments.
PDF files
Information about the Flex System x222 Compute Node is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
The Lenovo Flex System x222 Compute Node Types 7916 and 2589 is an ultra high density, high performance server based on the ServerBlade architecture for medium to large businesses. The Flex System x222 Compute Node provides two separate compute nodes, upper and lower, in a single node bay. The upper and lower compute nodes must be installed together, as part of the Flex System x222 Compute Node; however, the upper and lower compute nodes are configured and operated independently.
Use this information to update the firmware and use the configuration utilities. The upper and lower compute nodes are updated and configured separate and independent of each other.
Accessing the IMM2
Use this information to access the IMM2 in the upper or lower compute node remotely using the command-line interface, serial over LAN, or web interface; or locally through the LAN over USB interface.
Parts listing, Types 7916 and 2589
The following replaceable components are available for the Flex System x222 Compute Node Types 7916 and 2589.
Use this information to diagnose and correct problems that might occur in your Flex System x222 Compute Node.
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