Logging on to the web interface

Use these instruction to log in to the IMM2 web interface.

  • If you are logging on to the IMM2 for the first time after installation, the IMM2 defaults to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). If a DHCP host is not available, the IMM2 assigns a static IP address between and, depending on the bay in which the compute node is installed.
  • You can also assign IP addresses through the CMM ifconfig command. For more information about the CMM ifconfig command, see the "Flex System Chassis Management Module: Command-Line Interface Reference Guide".
  • To assign IP addresses from the CMM web interface, click Mgt Module Management > Network > Ethernet.
  • If the CMM and compute nodes are set to use DHCP, and the CMM loses connectivity to the network, the CMM attempts to acquire a new IP address when network connectivity is restored. The compute nodes will not attempt to acquire an IP address again and the compute node continues to use their existing IP addresses. Therefore, if you experience network problems on compute nodes after connectivity between the CMM and the network has been restored, you might need to reset the system-management processor on each of the compute nodes in the chassis (including Flex System Manager management software, if it is installed).
  • The IMM2 user name and password are provisioned through the CMM. To use tools such as Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) for out-of-band communications, you must define local user accounts from the IMM web interface. To define local user accounts from the IMM web interface, click IMM Management > Users.

    The local user accounts are valid only for accessing the IMM web interface on this compute node. However, if you back up the IMM configuration, that backup will not contain the local user accounts that were created from the IMM user interface.

  • The IMM2 logs you out of the web interface if your browser is inactive for the number of minutes that you have specified for the timeout period. To modify the timeout period, from the IMM web interface, click IMM Management > User > Global Login Settings > General.
  1. Open a web browser and in the Address or URL field, type the IP address or host name of the IMM2 to which you want to connect. You can determine the IP address or host name by viewing the network access tag (see Viewing the network access tag). The IP address and host name can also be determined by viewing the Integrated Management Module > Network Configuration section of the Setup utility (see Using the Setup utility).
  2. On the Login page, type the CMM user name and CMM password. You are then directed to the main page of the IMM2 web interface. If you are using the IMM2 for the first time, you can obtain the user name and password from your system administrator. All login attempts are documented in the IMM event log.

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