This topic provides information about requesting trusted certificates.
The keys and certificates generated with the keytool utility are sufficient to run SSL. However, the browser does not automatically trust the certificate you have generated and it prompts you to accept the certificate. To obtain a certificate trusted by most common browsers, request a certificate authority (CA) to sign your key/certificate.
keytool -certreq -alias jetty -keystore <ksfile> -file <csrfile>
The term <ksfile> is the name of the keystore file. The term <csrfile> is the name of the generated CSR. Do not include the "<>" characters.
keytool -keystore <ksfile> -import -alias jetty -file <crtfile> -trustcacerts
The term <ksfile> is the name of the keystore file. The term <crtfile> is the name of the file containing the signed certificate. Do not include the "<>" characters.