
This topic provides information about configuring redundant servers.

The standby.prop file includes the following parameters.
Table 1. Standby.prop file parameters
Parameter Description
primaryIP= IP address of the primary IFM server
primaryID=USERID User ID of the primary IFM server
primaryPW=PASSW0RD Password of the primary IFM server
retryLimit=3 Number of tries to attempt before failover
backupInterval=30000 Number of milliseconds to wait to request data from the primary IFM server

The standby.prop file must be placed in the ~/ofm/data folder of the secondary IFM server.

Based on the values in the standby.prop file, the secondary IFM server requests the configuration data from the primary server in the form of a jar file. If this request fails, the secondary IFM server will retry, based on the number of attempts in the retryLimit parameter. The jar file (primary.jar) is placed in the ~/ofm/tmp folder. If the request to the primary fails the number of attempts, the secondary unjars the primary.jar file in the data folder and begins a normal startup as the new primary IFM server.