High-availability configuration

IFM runs on a primary server. You can configure another server running IFM to be a secondary server. The secondary server monitors the health of the primary server and replaces it, if the primary server fails.

About this task

The secondary server monitors the primary server by periodically requesting a copy of the IFM data from the primary server. If the copy cannot be obtained because the primary server fails or a network connectivity failure occurrs, the secondary server starts as the primary IFM server, and is configured using the last copy of the data received from the primary server. The secondary server must have at least one copy of the IFM data, otherwise it will start as a new IFM server, with no data copied from the primary IFM server.
  • If you make changes to the high-availability configuration, you must stop and restart the server to apply the changes.
  • If a secondary server replaces the failed primary server, a data discrepancy might exist between the secondary server and primary server. How much of a discrepancy depends on the length of time between the last copy received and when the failover occurred.
  • If the primary IFM hostname, username or password changes, you must update the secondary server to reflect these changes. The secondary IFM does not monitor or failover the primary server if the IFM hostname, username or password do not match.
  • If you enable a server as a secondary server, a primary server must also exist.
To define a secondary IFM server for high availability, complete the following steps.


  1. Select Settings; then select High Availability.
  2. Select Edit to change the information.
    • Enabled

      Select this choice to define the server as a secondary IFM instance.

    • Primary hostname

      The IP address of the primary server that the secondary server is replacing.

    • Primary username

      The primary server user name.

    • Primary password

      The primary server password.

    • Sync interval

      The number of milliseconds before contacting the primary server.

    • Retry limit

      The maximum number of attempts made to contact the primary server.