To edit, remove, and push a deployment, complete the following steps.
Boot order is the target the interface uses during the boot process.
Deploying a profile creates port specific information from the generalized data associated with the profile. Any changes made to profile elements after deployment will not be reflected in an already created deployment. A new deployment would have to be made for changes to be reflected. The newly created deployment is displayed.
Select this choice to modify data associated with a deployment. You can select from a list of chassis and servers in the deployment. You can click on a specific server to edit the information on a per-port basis.
Select this choice to remove the selected profile.
Select this choice to communicate the deployment to the port-specific hardware. If the communication fails, the endpoint hardware is skipped but IFM continues to push the deployment to the other hardware endpoints.
If the target hardware does not support the full IFM data set, IFM will cater the data to match the hardware.
The device must be powered off for the deployment change to take effect. This process takes some time, and cannot be canceled once it has started.
Select this choice to enable all nodes in the chassis that are powered on to use the new deployment profile. You can also enable nodes individually.
Select this choice to cause IFM to ignore all ports belonging to the bay. You can also disable nodes individually.
Select this choice to continue using current deployment information and ignore the new deployment information.
Select this choice to attempt deployment regardless of the power state.
Select this choice to compare the new data changes with a read-only view of the current data that the device is using. The current data is called harvested data. You can review the harvested data and modify the new data before communicating the deployment to the port-specific hardware.
Select this choice to bypass a deployment configuration and use the current data that the device is already using.
Select this choice to bypass a deployment configuration and use a pre-existing comma separated value (CSV) configuration file.