This topic provides information about configuring the management
module to send traps.
(IBM® BladeCenter® devices only)
The IBM BladeCenter system chassis requires Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) version 1 to be configured. To configure the AMM to
send traps, complete the following steps.
- From the AMM interface access the MM Control - Network Protocols page.
- Click on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) link
and make sure that SNMP traps and SNMPv1 agent are enabled and configured.
- Set the Access Type to Trap for at least one community.
- Make sure that the IP or hostname of the IFM server is
listed as one of the three addresses for the community.
- If the community is not named, do one of the following:
- Set the Community Name to Trap.
This is the default value.
- Locate the server.prop file (default location is /ofm/data) and
add or change the following entry: CommunityName=<community
name>. Where <community name> is the
name of the community (if the IFM server is
already running, changing this value will necessitate a restart of IFM for the change
to take effect).
- Setup event recipients:
- Access the MM Control - Alerts page.
- Configure at least one Remote Alert Recipient:
- Select SNMP over LAN as the Notification Method.
- Select Receive all alerts.
- Enable the remote alert recipient.
- In the Monitored Alerts section, select all options under Critical
Events, Warning Events, and Informational
- Setup the SNMP trap recipient port:
- Access the MM Control - Port Assignments page.
- Complete one of the following:
- Set the SNMP Traps Port to 50990.
- Locate the server.prop file (default location is /ofm/data) and
add or change the following entry: SNMPTrapPort=<traps
port>. Where <traps port> is the port
currently configured for SNMP Traps (if your IFM server is
already running, changing this value will necessitate a restart of IFM for the change
to take effect).
(IBM Flex System® devices only) To configure the IBM Flex System CMM to send traps,
complete the following steps.
- Select Event Recipients from the Events menu.
- Click Global Settings.
- Select all options under Critical Events, Warning
Events, and Informational Events.
- Click OK.