The CMM event
log contains all log events that are received from all components
in the chassis.
All of the log events that are received by the CMM are
also sent to the Flex System Manager management node, if one is installed. See CMM event
log for a complete list of all non-device-specific events
and recommended actions, sorted by event ID. Device-specific event
information is in the documentation for the device.
- When CMM system
event logs are sent over a network, the data is sent unencrypted and
can be read by any user that is connected to the network.
- System events that a CMM sends
to the syslog server are facility 1 user-level messages. Each message
is assigned a priority that is based on the severity of the event.
To access the CMM event
log and configure event recipient notifications in the CMM web
interface, open the Events menu and click Event Log.
following illustration shows the Event Recipients page.

The following table describes
the options that are available from the Event Log page.
Navigation bar option |
Selection |
Description |
Events |
Event Log |
The Event Log page provides detailed information
about important events that occur on the CMM and
components in the chassis. Each log entry contains the following attributes:
- Severity - Whether the event is an Informational, Warning,
or Critical event.
- Service State - Whether the event is considered a serviceable
- Source - The component type than an event is associated
- Audit - Events related to a change in the management module configuration.
- SERVPROC - Events related to a change in management module activities,
such as user login.
- Power_xx - Events related to power modules.
- IOMod_xx - Events related to I/O modules.
- Cool_xx - Events related to fan modules.
- Node_xx - Events related to compute nodes.
- Sequence Number - Unique numerical value assigned to an
- Date - Date and time an event was logged.
- CMM Event ID - Numerical ID that is associated with an
event, and that appears when the node event ID does not equal the
CMM event ID.
- Event ID - Numerical ID associated with an event. Click
the individual Event ID number to obtain additional description information
and view suggested actions.
- Message - Description of the event. Some events provide
additional data which can be accessed by through the more link.
The Event Log page also contains the following options, which
are located above the event log table:
- Export - Exports the event log in .csv, .pdf, or comma-delimited
format. Select log events to export by checking the box in the first
- Delete Events - Deletes selected events from the Event
Log page.
- Settings - Monitors the state of the event log and generates
a log event when the event log is 75% and 100% full. This event can
be transmitted to remote alert recipients.
- Search Events - Searches the event log for the entered
- Refresh - Refreshes the Event Log view.
- Filter Events - Filters the content of the log with user-selected
Events |
Event Recipients |
The Event Recipients page contains options to
manage a list of recipients that will be notified of system events.
For each event that occurs, a message is transmitted to an email server,
SNMP trap receiver, or syslog server. Options are available to configure
each recipient and manage global settings that apply to all event
recipients. Multiple recipients can be configured with unique properties
specified for each. You can verify that the event notification feature
works correctly by generating a test event. The types of recipients
and attributes for each are listed as follows:
- Email recipient
- Descriptive name - Name of recipient.
- Email address - Email address of recipient.
- Status - Enable or disable the selected recipient definition.
- Events to receive - Select to use global settings or filter
so that only critical events are sent.
Note: To enable an email recipient, go to the SMTP tab on the
Network page to configure the email server correctly.
- SNMP recipient
- Descriptive name - Name of recipient.
- Status - Enable or disable the selected recipient definition.
- Events to receive - Options to use global settings for
sending events, or to send critical events only.
Note: The destination of a SNMP trap cannot be configured on
the Event Recipients page. If you are using SNMPv1, click Mgt Module
Management > Network > SNMP. If you are using
the default SNMPv3, click Mgt Module Management > User
Accounts; then click the user name and click the SNMPv3 in
the User Properties window.
- Syslog recipient
- Filtering level - Filter event notifications by selecting
one of the following categories of events: Informational, Warning
and Error.
- Host - Server IP address.
- Port - Port number.
- Status - Enable or disable this definition.
In addition to the individual recipient options, the Event
Recipient page also contains the following global options:
- Retry limit.
- Delay between retry attempts.
- Send the event log with email notifications.
- Class of events that causes a message to be sent. For example,
the event messages might be limited to critical events for power modules
and fan modules.
- Generate a test message to make sure the recipient configuration
is correct.