users command errors

This topic lists error messages for the users command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See users command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. users command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-add, -n, -kf and -key must be provided for adding a key to a user and must not be used with other options. A user tries to add a key to a user profile without the -n, -kf, and -key options, or with other options.
-add, -n, -p, -g and -ms must be provided for adding a user and must not be used with other options. A user tries to add a user profile without the -n, -p, -g, and -ms options, or with other options.
-ki must be provided for updating a key A user tries to update a key without the -ki option.
-n, -kf, -upld, -u and/or -ki must be provided for uploading a public key A user tries to upload a public key without the -n -kf, -upld, -u, and -ki options.
-n, -ki, -kf, -dnld and -u must be provided for downloading a public key A user tries to download a public key without the -n, -ki, -kf, -dnld, and -u options.
-n and -ki must be provided for removing a key A user tries to remove a key without the -n and -ki options.
-n must be provided for deleting a user A user tries to delete a user profile without the -n option.
-n must be provided for disable a user A user tries to disable a user profile without the -n option.
-n must be provided for enable a user A user tries to enable a user profile without the -n option.
-n must be provided for modify a user A user tries to modify a user profile without the -n option.
-n must be provided for modifying a user, a key, SNMPv3 or centralized management of IPMI/SNMPv3 accounts configuration A user tries to modify a user profile, a key, SNMPv3, or the centralized management of IPMI/SNMPv3 accounts configuration without the -n option.
-n must be provided for unlock a user A user tries to unlock a user profile without the -n option.
-p and -op must be specified when changing your own password. A user tries to change their own user password without the -n and -op options.
Adding an SSH public key to RECOVERY_ID is forbidden A user tries to add an SSH public key to the RECOVERY_ID account.
Adding a user failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is adding a user.
Both -kf and -key must be provided for updating a key A user tries to update a key without the -kf and -key options.
Deleting a user failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is deleting a user.
Deleting SNMPv3/IPMI user provisioning for user failed

where user is the user name specified by the user

Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is deleting SNMPv3/IPMI user provisioning.
Note: Disabling centralized IPMI and SNMPv3 management (provisioning) of a user account deletes the centrally managed user account. If there is a corresponding local account for this user on the CMM, it will remain functional.
Disable a user failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is disabling a user.
Deleting public key(s) failed An error occurs while the CMM is deleting one or more public keys.
Downloading to URL failed

where URL is the URL specified by the user

An error occurs when the user tries to download to a specified URL.
Duplicate group name: group_name

where group_name is the group name specified by the user

A user tries to create a group name that already exists.
Enable a user failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is enabling a user.
Error writing data for option -ipmisnmpv3
Note: This error message might include additional information which provides details about the error and corrective actions.
An error occurs while the CMM is writing IPMIv3 information for the indicated user.


system> users -T mm[2] -n test -ipmisnmpv3 enabled
Error writing data for option -ipmisnmpv3
User test: account is locked, password must 
be changed.

This indicates that the test user account is locked and that its password needs to be changed.

Export public key failed An error occurs while the CMM is exporting a public key.
Getting public key detail failed An error occurs while the CMM is getting public key details.
Getting user active sessions failed An error occurs while the CMM is getting user active sessions.
Getting user information failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is getting user information.
Getting user names failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is getting user names.
Getting user SSH public key status failed An error occurs while the CMM is getting user SSH public key status.
Group group_name not found

where group_name is the group name specified by the user

An error occurs while the CMM is getting group name.
Importing public key failed An error occurs while the CMM is importing a public key.
Index can not be 'all' for updating a key A user tries to update a key for all users.
Index can not be 'all' with -dnld A user tries to download a public user key, specifying it for all keys.
Index can not be 'all' with -e A user tries to display the entire key for all keys.
Index can not be 'all' with -upld. A user tries to upload all public user keys in a single command.
Invalid username. The username can only contain numbers, letters, dots, and underscores. A user tries to enter a user name that contains invalid characters. Valid characters that can be used in a group name are letters, numbers, periods ( . ), and underscores ( _ ).
Modifying user failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is modifying a user.
Modifying user password failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is modifying a user password.
No '-ki' required for adding a key to user A user tries to add a key to a user profile with the -ki option.
No key index key_index found for user: user_name

where key_index is the is a user profile index key and user_name is a user name

A user tries to access a key index that has not been set for the specified user.
One default permission group, or one or more custom groups can be specified A user tries to set up the wrong number or type of permission group.
Password must have at least a number and a letter A user tries to set a user password that does not contain at least one letter and one number.
The argument of option -af contains invalid characters. Only alphanumeric, comma, asterisk, question mark, hyphen, period, colon, percent, and exclamation point characters are valid. A user tries to enter host information that contains invalid characters. Valid characters that can be used for host information are letters, numbers, commas ( , ), asterisk ( * ), question mark ( ? ), hyphen ( - ), period ( . ), colon ( : ), percent sign ( % ), and exclamation point ( ! ).
The argument of option -af length can not be greater than 512. A user tries to set host information that is greater than or equal to 512 characters.
The argument of option -af must start with 'from=' A user tries to set host information without starting the string with "from=".
The argument of option -cm must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to specify a comment without enclosing the string in double-quotation marks.
The argument of option -key must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to specify a key name without enclosing the string in double-quotation marks.
The argument of option -ki must be numeric or 'all' A user tries to specify an argument for the -ki command option other than a key number, between 1 and 20, or all.
The length of group names exceeds max of maximum

where maximum is the maximum group name length specified by the user

A user tries to set a group name length that is too long.
The length of the group name of group_name exceeds max of maximum

where group_name is the is group name entered and maximum is the maximum group name length specified by the user

A user tries to set a group name that exceeds the maximum number of characters.
The max sessions can not be greater than 20 A user tries to set a maximum number of user sessions that is greater than 20.
The number of groups exceeds max of maximum

where maximum is the maximum number of groups specified by the user

A user tries to set up too many groups.
The user name cannot be longer than maximum characters for SNMPv3/IPMI provisioning.

where maximum is the maximum number of characters allowed

A user tries to set a user name that is longer than the maximum numbers of characters specified for SNMPv3 or IPMI provisioning.
The user name can not be longer than 32 characters. A user tries to set a user name that is longer than 32 characters.
The user password must be in range of 5 and 32 A user tries to set a user password that is less than 5 characters or longer than 32 characters.
There was a problem downloading the file The user does not have the authority for downloading or an error occurs when downloading.
There was a problem retrieving the file. An error occurred when transferring the file.
Unlock a user failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is unlocking a user.
Updating public key failed
Note: This error message might include additional information that provides details about the error, if this additional information is provided by the process or device.
An error occurs while the CMM is updating a public key.
User must be added before adding a key to it. A user tries to add a key to a user profile that does not exist.
User with supervisor role can not be disabled An error occurs when one user tries to disable another user that has a supervisor role.

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