uplink command errors

This topic lists error messages for the uplink command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See uplink command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. uplink command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-ip must be a valid IP address before enabling -el A user tries to issue a command to enable the -el without a valid -ip setting.
A non-zero IP address must be set before enabling -el. A user tries to enable -el while both -ip and -ip6 are zero.
At least one IP address must be non-zero when -el is enabled. A user tries to set both -ip and -ip6 to zero while -el is enabled.
Both IP addresses must be non-zero for -alert to take effect. A user sets the alert policy for logical link loss when at least one of the IP address is all zeros and IPv6 is enabled. Even though the alert policy has been set, it will have no effect, due to the all-zero IP address.
Note: This is not an error message. It is an advisory message informing the user that they have configured an option that will have no effect, based on other command option settings.
Both IP addresses must be non-zero and IPv6 must be enabled using the ifconfig command for -alert to take effect. A user sets the alert policy for logical link loss when at least one of the IP address is all zeros and IPv6 is disabled. Even though the alert policy has been set, it will have no effect, due to the all-zero IP address and IPv6 being disabled.
Note: This is not an error message. It is an advisory message informing the user that they have configured an option that will have no effect, based on other command option settings.
Error checking standby CMM status. Commands cannot be issued to the standby CMM right now. A user tries to issue a command to the standby CMM when it is unavailable.
Error converting the IPv6 address from string to bytes. An error occurs while converting the IPv6 address from a string to bytes.
Getting status of failver on Lose/Logical of Physical Link failed. An error occurs while the CMM is reading status of failver on Lose/Logical of Physical Link.
Invalid uplink delay value. A user tries to enter a delay value that is less than 1 or greater than 255. For example, uplink -del 0.
No option argument for option

where option is the command option for which no argument was specified.

A user tries to enter a command option without its required argument.
The option argument for option is out of the valid range (between 1 and 2880 minutes).

where option is the number of minutes specified.

The user input for an option is out of the range.
The option argument for option is out of the valid range (between 10 and 172800 seconds).

where option is the number of seconds specified.

The user input for an option is out of the range.

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