uicfg command errors

The following table lists error messages for the uicfg command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See uicfg command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. uicfg command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
CMM security policy disallows -cim enable right now An error occurs when the user tries to use -cim enable but the current security policy will not allow it.
CMM security policy disallows -cli (telnet) enable right now An error occurs when the user tries to use -cli (telnet) enable but the current security policy will not allow it.
CMM security policy disallows -snmp (v1 agent) enable right now. An error occurs when the user tries to use -snmp (v1 agent) enable but the current security policy will not allow it.
CMM security policy disallows -tcm enable right now. An error occurs when the user tries to use -tcm enable but the current security policy will not allow it.
CMM security policy disallows -web HTTP enable/HTTPS disable right now. An error occurs when the user tries to use -web HTTP enable/HTTPS disable but the current security policy will not allow it.
Enabling SNMPv1/v3 failed. The SNMPv1/v3 configuration does not meet required criteria. Possible configuration errors include:
  • A community is configured without an IP address or host name.
  • A duplicate community name is configured.
  • At least one configured community is required to enable SNMPv1.
  • IP address of is allowed only for the first host name in the first community.
  • IP address of is allowed only when the first community is configured as GET or SET access type.
  • System contact must be defined to enable SNMPv1/v3.
  • System location must be defined to enable SNMPv1/v3.
Error sanity checking of SNMP configuration. An error occurs while the CMM is sanity-checking the SNMP configuration.
Maximum connections can not exceed maximum

where maximum designates the total number of permitted connections.

A user has attempted to configure more connections than the maximum number of connections supported.
No valid server certificate is in place for Secure TCP Command Mode. Try rebooting the CMM, or regenerating the CA certificate with the 'sslcfg -gen ca' command. The user issues a command to configure the Secure TCP Command Mode when a valid server certificate is not in place.
Reading telnet status failed. An error occurs while the CMM is reading the telnet status.
Reading telnet/ssh/snmpv1/snmpv3 status failed. An error occurs while the CMM is reading the telnet, ssh, snmpv1, or snmpv3 status.
The total number of secure and legacy connections of TCP Command Mode cannot exceed maximum

where maximum designates the total number of permitted connections.

A user attempted to configure more TCP Command Mode connections than the maximum number of secure and legacy connections supported.
Warning: Communication with FSM via Secure TCP Command Mode has been disabled. A user has disabled the Secure TCP command mode.
Warning: Communication with FSM via TCP Command Mode has been disabled. A user has disabled the TCP command mode.

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