sdemail command errors

This topic lists errors for the sdemail command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See sdemail command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. sdemail command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-to must be specified. A user tries to send a service data email message without specifying the recipient.
Error sending service data email. An error occurs when the CMM tries to send a service data email message.
Invalid email address. A user tries to enter an email address that is not valid.
Invalid input. Email address must be less than 120 characters. A user tries to enter an email address that is 120 or more characters long.
Subject must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to send a service data email message with a subject option that is not enclosed in quotation marks.

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