read command errors

This topic lists error messages for the read command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See read command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. read command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-p must be specified when restoring the configuration settings A user tries to restore configuration settings without specifying the required passphrase.
-u must be specified when restoring the configuration settings A user tries to restore configuration settings without specifying the required URL.
Argument of option -p must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a passphrase without enclosing it in quotation marks.
Error Log Information:


where log_filename identifies the log file containing error information.

An error occurs during processing with error information contained in the specified log file.
Error opening log file An error occurs while opening the log file.
Error restoring configuration. An error occurs while restoring the CMM configuration.
File transfer failed. error_string.

where error_string is specific information about the error.

An error occurs while transferring a file during file upload.
File transfer failed abnormally An error occurs while transferring a file during file upload.
Firmware update is in progress. Try again later. The user tries to restore the CMM configuration from the Flex System Enterprise Chassis midplane while the CMM firmware is updating.
Incomplete or malformed URL. The user tries to use an invalid URL.
Option argument for -p exceeds max length (31 characters): passphrase

where passphrase is the passphrase that was entered.

A user tries to enter a passphrase that is too long.
Passphrase must have at least 6 characters. A user tries to enter a passphrase that is too short.
Please provide a file name at the end of the URL The user tries to enter a URL without the required file name.
Protocol string length exceeds max of 8 The user tries to enter a protocol string that is too long.
There was a problem retrieving the file. TFTP encounters an error when transferring the configuration file.
Update Failed, invalid remote location specified File upload fails due to the user entering an invalid location.
URL Length exceeds max of 256 The user tries to enter a URL that is too long.
URL syntax checking failed A user tries to enter an invalid URL.

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