power command errors

This topic lists error messages for the power command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See power command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. power command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-ap can only be issued to blade target A user attempts to apply the -ap option to a device other than a compute node.
-ap must be 'restore' or 'auto' for blade[x]

where x is the node bay number.

A user tries to enter a -ap command option argument other than restore or auto for a storage node that requires one of these arguments.
-c can only be issued to blade target A user tries to direct the power -c command option to a non-compute node target.
-c must be used with -on or -cycle A user tries to use the -c command option without specifying the -on or -cycle command options.
-cycle can only be issued to blade, I/O module or stand-alone server target A user tries to direct the power -cycle command to a command target that does not support it.
-d can only be issued to blade or IO module target A user attempts to apply the -d option to a device other than a compute node or I/O module.
-on/-off/-cycle not supported on switch[x]

where x is the I/O-bay number.

A user tries to direct a power command option to an I/O module that does not support it.
-on/-off/-softoff/-cycle not supported on blade[x]

where x is the node bay number.

A user tries to direct a power command option to a compute node that does not support it.
-post can only be issued to I/O module target A user tries to direct the -post option to a non-I/O module target.
-post must be used with -state A user tries to use the -post command option without specifying the -state command option.
-sms can only be issued to blade target A user attempts to issue the -sms command option to a target that is not a compute node.
-sms is not supported on blade[x]

where x is the node bay number.

A user attempts to issue the -sms command option to a compute node target that does not support this feature.
-softoff can only be issued to blade or stand-alone server target A user tries to direct the power -softoff command to a command target that does not support it.
-state can only be issued to blade, I/O module, or stand-alone server target A user tries to direct the power -state command to a command target that does not support it.
-wol, -local, -ap, -d and -sms must be used exclusive of the other options A user attempts to enter multiple command options together that must be used alone.
-wol/-local can only be issued to chassis or blade target A user tries to direct the power -wol or power -local command to a command target that does not support it.
-wol/-local/-sms not supported on blade[x]

where x is the node bay number.

A user tries to direct a power command option to a compute node that does not support it.
Error retrieving power state for I/O Module slot

where slot is the I/O-module subslot.

An error occurs while retrieving a power state.
Getting POST results failed An error occurs while retrieving POST results.
Invalid POST results. The POST results are not valid.
Not supported by this type of I/O module. Type env -h for help on changing targets. A user attempts to apply an option to an I/O module that does not support the option.
POST results not complete: hex_code

where the hex_code value varies based on the problem that was encountered.

The POST results are not available. See the documentation that comes with the device that failed to respond correctly to the power command for information about the hex_code value.
Power not supported on this target A user tries to direct the power command to a command target that does not support it.
Powering on/off blade failed. An error occurs while powering the compute node on or off.
Powering on/off I/O Module failed. An error occurs while the CMM is powering the I/O module on or off.
Powering on/off network clock failed. An error occurs while the CMM is powering the network clock on or off.
Powering on/off Telco Alarm Panel failed. An error occurs while the CMM is powering the Telco Alarm Panel on or off.
Resetting blade failed. An error occurs while the CMM is resetting the compute node.
Restarting I/O Module failed. An error occurs while the CMM is restarting the I/O module.
Shutting down OS and powering off blade failed. An error occurs while the CMM is shutting down the operating system and powering off the compute node.
SOL not supported on blade[x]

where x is the node bay number.

A user tries to run a power command option that starts a SOL (serial over LAN) session on a compute node that does not support SOL.
The argument of -d must be in a range of min and max

where min and max indicate the range of acceptable values.

A user tries to enter an argument for the -d command option that is out of range.
The argument of -d must be numeric A user tries to enter a non-numeric argument for the -d command option.
The I/O Module is powering off. A user tries to power on, power off, or restart a RAID SAS module which is in the process of powering off.

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