ldapcfg command errors

This topic lists error messages for the ldapcfg command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See ldapcfg command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. ldapcfg command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-dn is required when -server is set to dns A user tries to set DNS as the LDAP server discovery method without specifying a search domain (-dn option).
A Client DN password is configured, client DN must be configured too. A user tries to issue a command to remove the client DN setting with the client DN password configured.
CMM target name is limited to 63 characters. A user tries to set a CMM target name that is longer than 63 characters.
Both password and confirm password must be provided. A user tries to issue a command without providing both the password and the confirm password.
Client DN password mismatch. Please reenter passwords. A user tries to issue a command with both -p and -cp options, but their arguments do not match.
If a Client DN password is configured, client DN must be configured too. A user tries to issue a command to configure the client DN password while the client DN is not configured.
Invalid option argument for -option:argument. format


  • option identifies the option
  • argument identifies the invalid argument
  • format identifies the format of argument
A user tries to issue a command with invalid arguments for the options which do not conform to the format specified.
Option argument for -option exceeds max length (maximum characters): argument
  • option identifies the option
  • maximum identifies the maximum allowed number of characters
  • argument identifies the argument
A user tries to set a value for the specified option argument that is longer than the maximum allowed number of characters.
Port must be numeric and in the range of 1 and 65535 A user tries to set a port number that is non-numeric or outside the allowed range.
When configuring '-bm cc', -cd and -p must be configured too A user tries to set a binding method of configured credentials without specifying a client distinguished name (-cd option) and client password (-p option).
You are configuring Client DN password, but no Client DN. Please configure a Client DN. A user tries to issue a command to set Client DN password while the Client DN is not configured.

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