date command errors

This topic lists error messages for the date command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See date command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. date command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
'-v' must be used with 'date -tz all' only A user tries to issue a command with the -v option with an option other than -tz.
'date -tz all' must be used exclusive of other options except '-v' A user tries to issue a command with the -tz option at the same time as other options (other than -v).
Getting current date and time failed An error occurred while the system was retrieving current date and time information.
Getting time zones failed An error occurred while the system was retrieving time zone information.
Invalid value for day A user tries to enter an invalid argument for day in the date (-d) option.
Invalid value for hours A user tries to enter an invalid argument for hours in the time (-t) option.
Invalid value for minutes A user tries to enter an invalid argument for minutes in the time (-t) option.
Invalid value for month A user tries to enter an invalid argument for month in the date (-d) option.
Invalid value for seconds A user tries to enter an invalid argument for seconds in the time (-t) option.
Invalid value for year A user tries to enter an invalid argument for year in the date (-d) option.
No time zone found An error occurred while the system was retrieving time zone information.
NTP is enabled. Please use 'ntp' command to disable NTP before configuring date or time A user tries to configure date or time setting while the system is configured to use Network Time Protocol (NTP).
The year has to be between min and max

where min and max define the range of years that is allowed.

A user tries to enter a year that is outside of the allowed range.

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