chconfig command errors

This topic lists errors for the chconfig command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See chconfig command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. chconfig command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-li view must be used exclusive of other options A user tries to view or accept the service advisor terms and conditions when running another command option.
All the required information fields must be set before enabling -sa A user tries to enable the service advisor before configuring all required information.
Alternate Contact Email: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and within 128 characters complying with the format in help. A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted email address.
Alternate Contact Name must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter an alternate contact name that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Alternate Contact Phone Number Extension: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and 1-30 characters A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted phone number extension.
Alternate Contact Phonenumber Extension must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a phone number extension that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Alternate Contact Phone number: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and 5-30 characters. A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted phone number.
Alternate Contact Phonenumber must be enclosed in quotation marks A user tries to enter a phone number that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Address must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter an address that is not enclosed in double quotation marks
City must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a city name that is not enclosed in double quotation marks
IBM Support Center: invalid input. Please input 2 characters ISO country code for the IBM Support Center. A user tries to enter a country code that is not valid.
Contact Company must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a company name that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Contact Name must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a contact name that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Contact Phone Number Extension: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and 1-30 characters A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted phone number extension.
Contact Phonenumber Extension must be enclosed in quotation marks A user tries to enter a phone number extension that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Email must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter an email that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Email: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and within 128 characters complying with the format in help. A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted email address.
Error setting -sa An error occurs while configuring service advisor.
Error to enable Service Agent. You have not set all of the required contact Information fields yet. A user tries to issue a command to enable a service agent that does not have the required contact information set.
Fail to get HTTP Proxy settings A failure occurs while reading the HTTP proxy settings.
Fail to read Contact Information A failure occurs while reading the contact information.
Fail to read IBM Support Center A failure occurs while reading the Lenovo Support Center information.
HTTP Proxy is disabled now, you can not change proxy settings, please enable http proxy first. A user tries to change proxy settings when the HTTP proxy is disabled.
Invalid HTTP Proxy location. A user tries to enter a proxy address that is not a valid IP address or hostname.
Invalid input. -loc should be less than 64 characters. A user tries to enter a proxy address that is 64 or more characters long.
Invalid input. -pw should be less than 16 characters. A user tries to enter a proxy password that is 16 or more characters long.
Invalid input. Password should not contain spaces A user tries to enter a password that contains spaces.
Invalid input. User Name must be less than 30 characters. A user tries to enter a user name that is 30 or more characters long.
Invalid input. User Name should not contain spaces. A user tries to enter a user name that contains spaces.
Machine Location Phone number: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and 5-30 characters. A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted phone number.
Machine Location Phonenumber must be enclosed in quotation marks A user tries to enter a phone number that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Postalcode: invalid input. Please make sure your input is 1-9 characters and only contains letters, numbers A user tries to enter an incorrectly formatted postal code.
Read Terms and Conditions failed An error occurs while reading the terms and conditions.
State: invalid input. Please make sure your input is 2-3 characters A user tired to enter an invalid state code.
Terms and conditions is not accepted yet, please view and accept the terms and conditions first. A user attempts to change the service advisor settings before accepting the terms and conditions.
The Terms and Conditions should be accepted first before using this command. A user attempts to change the service manager settings before accepting the license agreement.
Password must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a password that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Phone number must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a phone number that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
Phone number: invalid input. Please make sure your input is not empty and 5-30 characters. A user tries to enter a phone number that is not valid.
Postalcode must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a postal code that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.
User Name must be enclosed in quotation marks. A user tries to enter a user name that is not enclosed in double quotation marks.

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