bootseq command errors

This topic lists error messages for the bootseq command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands. See bootseq command for information about command syntax and examples of command use.

Table 1. bootseq command errors.

The error table is a multi-row, two-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command error: column one lists the error reported by the command-line interface and column two describes what the error means.

Error message Definition
-i, -g and -s must be configured together The user tries to set IP address information without specifying all required IP address options.
-id must be provided when configuring IP settings The user tries to set an IP address without specifying a device ID.
-seq must be used exclusively with other options The user attempts to enter multiple command options together that must be used alone.
Boot sequence not supported on blade[x]

where x identifies the compute node.

The user tries to enter a boot sequence that is not valid for the compute node target.
Boot sequences exceeds max of max_boot_seqs

where max_boot_seqs is the maximum number of boot devices.

The user tries to specify a number of devices in a boot sequence that is more than the maximum allowed.
Configuring boot device IP settings of blade[x] failed

where x identifies the compute node.

An error occurs while the CMM is processing the command.
Device not found for id

where id is the device ID that identifies the device.

The user tries to specify a device ID that does not exist.
Getting boot device list of blade[x] failed

where x identifies the compute node.

An error occurs while the CMM is processing the command.
Getting boot sequence of blade[x] failed

where x identifies the compute node.

An error occurs while the CMM is processing the command.
No boot device list The user tries to set the boot sequence without specifying any devices.
No duplicate device are allowed The user tries to set the same device twice in the boot sequence.
Setting boot sequence for blade[x] failed

where x identifies the compute node.

An error occurs while the CMM is processing the command.
The argument of -id must be numeric The user tries to enter a parameter value containing non-numeric characters for a command option requiring numeric input.

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