pwrprofile command

This command displays and configures power groups and schedules for compute nodes and I/O modules.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or pwrprofile command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the pwrprofile command.

Table 1. pwrprofile command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display all power groups and schedules Displays all power groups and schedules configured for the Flex System Enterprise Chassis. pwrprofile
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Display power group Displays information for the specified power group. pwrprofile -group_index

where group_index is the index number that identifies the power group. Index numbers are assigned automatically at group creation and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.

Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Add power group Adds a power group with the specified name for the specified key group of compute nodes and I/O modules.
  • All parameters must be specified when creating a power group.
  • The index number for the power group is assigned automatically and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.
pwrprofile -add -n name -key group_key -servers server_group


  • name is a alphanumeric string up to 63 characters in length that can include periods ( . ) and underscores ( _ ). Each of the 32 group names must be unique.
  • group_key is:
    • tm for type/model
    • sn for serial number
    • by for bay number
  • server_group is:
    • Type/model or serial number (maximum 31 characters). The wildcard character (*) is accepted.
    • Bay designations that meet the following criteria:
      • Maximum string length of 127 characters.
      • One or more bay-type keywords (blade and switch are the only keywords supported at this time), each followed by a comma delimited list of bay numbers or range of bay numbers (two bay numbers separated by a dash) surrounded by parentheses.
      • Bay-type keywords can be in any order separated by a comma.
(continued on next page)
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Add power group


  • server_group(continued):
    • Bay designations (continued):
      • Individual bay numbers and ranges can be in any order. Overlapping ranges and whitespace are allowed.
    For example:
    • blade (1, 3, 4-6, 8, 2-5, 12, 13-14)
    • blade (3), blade (5-9, 2)
    • switch (1-2), blade (1), switch (4)
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis account management
  • Chassis log management
  • Chassis administration
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Add power schedule and assign to power group Adds a power schedule, assigned to a specific power group, with the specified name for the specified key group of compute nodes or I/O modules.
Important: The power group index must be the first command option specified (for example, pwrprofile -1 -add -s enabled -a on -f once -d 11202011 ).
  • The power group index, -s, -a, and -f parameters must be specified when creating a power schedule.
  • If the frequency (-f) is set to once, you must specify either a time (-t), a date (-d), or both a time and date. If only a date is specified, the scheduled action will take place when the system switches to the date indicated.
  • If the frequency (-f) is set to daily, you must specify a time (-t).
  • If the frequency (-f) is set to weekly, you must specify both a time (-t) and a day (-d).
  • Up to four power schedules can be assigned to a power group.
  • The index number for the power schedule is assigned automatically and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.
pwrprofile -group_index -add -s status -a action -f freq -d day -t time


  • where group_index is the index number that identifies the power group where this schedule will be applied. Index numbers are assigned automatically at group creation and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.
  • status is a power schedule status of enabled or disabled.
  • action is the power action to perform: on, off, cycle, or softoff.
  • freq is how often the schedule is applied: once, daily, or weekly.
  • day is:
    • For frequency of once, a date in mmddyyyy format.
    • For weekly frequency: mon, tues, wed, thur, fri, sat, or sun.
  • time is the time of day in hhmm format.
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis account management
  • Chassis log management
  • Chassis administration
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Modify power group Changes values for the specified power group.
Important: The power group index must be the first command option specified (for example, pwrprofile -1 -n group2 ).
Note: You can modify any valid subset of values for the power group.
pwrprofile -group_index -n name -key group_key -servers server_group


  • where group_index is the index number that identifies the power group to modify. Index numbers are assigned automatically at group creation and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.
  • name is a alphanumeric string up to 63 characters in length that can include periods ( . ) and underscores ( _ ). Each of the 32 group names must be unique.
  • group_key is:
    • tm for type/model
    • sn for serial number
    • by for bay number
  • server_group is:
    • Type/model or serial number (maximum 31 characters). The wildcard character (*) is accepted.
    • Bay designations that meet the following criteria:
      • Maximum string length of 127 characters.
      • One or more bay-type keywords (blade and switch are the only keywords supported at this time), each followed by a comma delimited list of bay numbers or range of bay numbers (two bay numbers separated by a dash) surrounded by parentheses.
      • Bay-type keywords can be in any order separated by a comma.
      • Individual bay numbers and ranges can be in any order. Overlapping ranges and whitespace are allowed.
For example:
  • blade (1, 3, 4-6, 8, 2-5, 12, 13-14)
  • blade (3), blade (5-9, 2)
  • switch (1-2), blade (1), switch (4)
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis account management
  • Chassis log management
  • Chassis administration
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Modify power schedule Changes values for the specified power schedule.
  • You can modify any valid subset of values for the power schedule.
  • If the frequency (-f) is set to once, you must specify either a time (-t), a date (-d), or both a time and date. If only a date is specified, the scheduled action will take place when the system switches to the date indicated.
  • If the frequency (-f) is set to daily, you must specify a time (-t).
  • If the frequency (-f) is set to weekly, you must specify both a time (-t) and a day (-d).
pwrprofile -i index -s status -a action -f freq -d day -t time


  • where index is the index number that identifies the power schedule to modify. Index numbers are assigned automatically at schedule creation and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.
  • status is a power schedule status of enabled or disabled.
  • action is the power action to perform: on, off, cycle, or softoff.
  • freq is how often the schedule is applied: once, daily, or weekly.
  • day is:
    • For frequency of once, a date in mmddyyyy format.
    • For weekly frequency: mon, tues, wed, thur, fri, sat, or sun.
  • time is the time of day in hhmm format.
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis account management
  • Chassis log management
  • Chassis administration
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Delete power group Deletes the specified power group.
Important: The power group index must be the first command option specified (for example, pwrprofile -1 -clear ).
pwrprofile -group_index -clear

where group_index is the index number that identifies the power group. Index numbers are assigned automatically at group creation and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis account management
  • Chassis log management
  • Chassis administration
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Delete power schedule Deletes the specified power schedule. pwrprofile -clear -i index

where index is the index number that identifies the power schedule. Index numbers are assigned automatically at schedule creation and can be seen in the "Display all power groups and schedules" list.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis account management
  • Chassis log management
  • Chassis administration
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.


To display information for all power profiles, while the primary CMM in bay 2 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[2]> prompt, type
To add a power profile named g1 that is keyed by bay number and includes the compute nodes in node bays 1 and 2, and the I/O module in I/O-module bay 3, while the primary CMM in bay 2 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[2]> prompt, type
pwrprofile -add -n g1 -key by -servers blade(1,2),switch(3)
To add a power schedule to power group g1 (index 1) and enable this new power schedule that turns on the compute nodes in power group 1 once on 11 November 2011 at 11:11 AM, while the primary CMM in bay 2 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[2]> prompt, type
pwrprofile -1 -add -s enabled -a on -f once -d 11202011 -t 1111
To delete power schedule 1, while the primary CMM in bay 2 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[2]> prompt, type
pwrprofile -i 1 -clear

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

system:mm[2]> pwrprofile
No group found
system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile -add -n g1 -key by -servers blade(1,2),switch(3)
Group 1 added
system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile

1. g1
   key: by
   servers: blade(1,2),switch(3)
   power schedules: Not Available

system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile -1 -add -s enabled -a on -f once -d 11202011 -t 1111
Power schedule 1 added
system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile

1. g1
   key: by
   servers: blade(1,2),switch(3)
   power schedules:

        -i 1
        -s enabled
        -a on
        -f once
        -d 11/20/2011
        -t 1111

system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile -i 1 -clear
system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile

1. g1
   key: by
   servers: blade(1,2),switch(3)
   power schedules: Not Available

system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile -1 -clear
system:mm[2]>  pwrprofile
No group found

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