ping command

This command tests the internal communication path between the CMM and an Flex System component by sending it a ping request.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or ping command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the ping command.

Table 1. ping command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display IP addresses Displays a list of index numbers and IP addresses for the specified command target. ping -i
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Ping compute node IP address Pings the specified compute node IP address to test communication between the compute node and the CMM. ping -i ip_address

where ip_address is the IP address to ping.

Note: Valid index numbers and IP addresses for components installed in the Flex System Enterprise Chassis can be seen by running the ping -i command, directed to a specific command target with no arguments.
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Ping I/O-module IP address Pings the specified I/O-module IP address to test communication between the I/O module and the CMM. ping -i ip_address

where ip_address is the IP address to ping.

Note: Valid index numbers and IP addresses for components installed in the Flex System Enterprise Chassis can be seen by running the ping -i command, directed to a specific command target with no arguments.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Ping compute node IP address Pings the specified compute node to test communication. ping -i index

where index is the index number for the compute node IP address to ping.

Note: Valid index numbers and IP addresses for components installed in the Flex System Enterprise Chassis can be seen by running the ping -i command, directed to a specific command target with no arguments.
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Ping I/O-module IP address Pings the specified I/O module to test communication. ping -i index

where index is the index number for the I/O-module IP address to ping.

Note: Valid index numbers and IP addresses for components installed in the Flex System Enterprise Chassis can be seen by running the ping -i command, directed to a specific command target with no arguments.
I/O module:
  • switch[x]
  • where x is the I/O-bay number.
Example: To display the IP addresses of the I/O module in bay 2, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
ping -T switch[2] -i
To ping the second IP address of the I/O module in bay 2 using an index number, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
ping -T switch[2] -i 2
To ping the second IP address of the I/O module in bay 2 using an IP address, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
ping -T switch[2] -i fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

system> ping -T switch[2] -i
2. fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
3. 3000:1013::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
4. 3001:1013::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
5. 3002:1013::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
6. 2000:1013::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
7. 2001:1013::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
8. 2002:1013::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
system> ping -T switch[2] -i 2
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=201850.880ms
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=3120824.320ms
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=2953052.160ms
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=33685.504ms
system> ping -T switch[2] -i fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=1912799.232ms
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=922877.952ms
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=2281963.520ms
Reply from fe80::a17:f4ff:fe89:a9ef: bytes=16384 time=4060282.880ms