help command

This command displays a list of all commands that are available in the command-line interface with a brief description of each command.

You can also issue the help command by typing ?. Adding a -h, -help, or ? option to a command displays syntax help for the command.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or help command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the help command.

Table 1. help command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Help Displays a list of commands and a brief description of each command. help Any installed device.
? Any installed device.
Command help Displays help information for the specified command. command -h

where command is any valid CLI root command (no options specified).

Any installed device.
command -help

where command is any valid CLI root command (no options specified).

Any installed device.
command ?

where command is any valid CLI root command (no options specified).

Any installed device.
Example: To display a list of commands, while the CMM in bay 1 is set as the default command target, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type

To obtain help about the env command, while the CMM in bay 1 is set as the default command target, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type one of the following commands:

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

system:mm[1]> help
            ? -- Display commands
    accseccfg -- View/edit account security config
  advfailover -- View/edit advanced failover mode
    airfilter -- Manage the chassis air filter
     alertcfg -- Displays/configures the global remote alert settings
 alertentries -- View/edit remote alert recipients
      autoftp -- View/Edit auto ftp/tftp/sftp setting
      baydata -- View/edit Blade Bay Data string
     bootmode -- View/edit Boot mode
      bootseq -- View/edit the blade boot sequence settings
     chconfig -- View/edit Service Advisor Settings
        chlog -- Display Service Advisor Activity Log entires
     chmanual -- Manually generate call home request
       cimsub -- View/clear CIM subscriptions
          cin -- Displays/Configures Chassis Internal Network
    cinstatus -- Displays Status of Chassis Internal Network
        clear -- Clear the config
     clearlog -- Clear the event log
       config -- View/edit general settings
      console -- Start SOL session to a blade
 coolingzones -- View cooling zone information
       crypto -- View/edit cryptographic settings
         date -- View/edit date, time and time zone setting
     dhcpinfo -- View DHCP server assigned settings
   displaylog -- Display log entries
    displaysd -- Display service data
          dns -- View/edit DNS config
          env -- Set persistent command target
   ethoverusb -- View/edit the status of a blade SP's interface on Ethernet-over-USB
       events -- View/edit Events config
         exit -- Log off
        files -- Displays and deletes files stored on the CMM
          fod -- Display FoD licenses for management modules and switches
    fruactlog -- Displays FRU activity log
        fsmcm -- Disables FSM Central Management
        fuelg -- Power management
       groups -- View/edit Active Directory groups
       health -- View system health status
         help -- Display command list
      history -- Display command history
     ifconfig -- View/edit network interface config
         info -- Display identity and config of target
       iocomp -- View I/O compatibility for blades and switches
      ldapcfg -- View/edit LDAP config
          led -- Display and control Leds
         list -- Display installed targets
    monalerts -- Displays and configures monitored alerts
          ntp -- View/edit NTP config
   permgroups -- View/edit user permission group settings
         ping -- Pings targeted switches or blades
     pmpolicy -- View/edit power management policy settings
      portcfg -- Serial port configuration
        ports -- Port configuration
        power -- Control target power
   pwrprofile -- Display and configure the power schedules for groups of servers
         read -- Restore from a file containing CLI commands
remotechassis -- Chassis discovered over the network
        reset -- Reset target
        scale -- Display scalable complexes
       sddump -- Initiate service data dump
      sdemail -- Send service information using e-mail
     security -- View/edit security config
      service -- Displays aux power status and performs service resets
         smtp -- View/edit SMTP config
         snmp -- View/edit SNMP config
          sol -- View SOL status and view/edit SOL config
       sshcfg -- View/edit SSH config
       sslcfg -- View/edit SSL config
       syslog -- View/edit syslog config
   tcpcmdmode -- View/edit TCP command mode config
        temps -- View temperatures
     trespass -- View/edit trespassing warning config
        uicfg -- View/edit user interface configuration
       update -- Update firmware from remote location
       uplink -- View/edit failover on network uplink loss config
        users -- View/edit user profiles
         vlan -- View/edit vlan config
        volts -- View voltages
        write -- Write a file containing CLI commands

Type "<command> -h" for individual command syntax help.
        [ ] is used for indexing (by bay number)
        < > denotes a variable
        { } denotes optional arguments
         |  denotes choice
system:mm[1]> env ?
env -T <target>
where <target> is a full or relative target path. Example full target paths are:
Note: To see a list of all installed targets, please use the 'list' command.

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