cimsub command

This command displays and clears subscriptions for the common information model (CIM) used by the optional Flex System Manager software.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or cimsub command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the cimsub command.

Table 1. cimsub command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display CIM subscription destination Displays destinations for the CIM subscriptions used by the Flex System Manager software. cimsub
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Display CIM subscription status Displays detailed information about all CIM subscriptions used by the Flex System Manager software. cimsub -v
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.
Clear CIM subscription Clears one or all of the CIM subscriptions used by the Flex System Manager software. cimsub -clear identifier

where identifier is:

  • all to delete all subscriptions.
  • a single destination URL identifer contained within double-quotes. Valid subscription identifiers can be seen by running the cimsub command with no arguments or the cimsub -v command.
This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Primary CMM:
  • mm[p]
  • mm[P]
  • mm[x]
  • where x is the primary CMM bay number.


To display CIM destinations for the primary CMM, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent environment, at the system> prompt, type
cimsub -T mm[p]

To display CIM status for the primary CMM, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent environment, at the system> prompt, type

cimsub -v -T mm[p]

To clear the CIM subscription with an identifier of for the primary CMM, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent environment, at the system> prompt, type

cimsub -clear "" -T mm[p]

To clear all CIM subscriptions for the primary CMM, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent environment, at the system> prompt, type

cimsub -clear all -T mm[p]

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

system> cimsub -T mm[p]
Destination = ""

Destination = ""

system> cimsub -v -T mm[p]
Caption = NULL
CreationClassName = "CIM_ListenerDestinationCIMXML"
Description = NULL
Destination = ""
ElementName = "Listener"
InstanceID = NULL
Name = "TEST:Indications:AllEvents"
OtherPersistenceType = NULL
OtherProtocol = NULL
PersistenceType = 2
Protocol = 2
SystemCreationClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem"
Filter = "root/interop:CIM_IndicationFilter.CreationClassName=\"CIM_IndicationFil
FailureTriggerTimeInterval = 3600
OnFatalErrorPolicy = 2
OtherRepeatNotificationPolicy = NULL
OtherSubscriptionState = NULL
RepeatNotificationCount = NULL
RepeatNotificationGap = NULL
RepeatNotificationInterval = NULL
RepeatNotificationPolicy = 2
SubscriptionDuration = NULL
SubscriptionState = 2
SubscriptionTimeRemaining = NULL
TimeOfLastStateChange = "20140212160444.680645-300"
Caption = NULL
CreationClassName = "CIM_IndicationFilter"
Description = NULL
ElementName = "Filter"
IndividualSubscriptionSupported = TRUE
InstanceID = NULL
Name = "TEST:Indications:AllEvents"
Query = "SELECT*FROMCIM_AlertIndication"
QueryLanguage = "WQL"
SourceNameSpaces = {"root/cimv2"}
SourceNameSpace =
SystemCreationClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem"
SystemName = "localhost"

Caption = NULL
CreationClassName = "CIM_ListenerDestinationCIMXML"
Description = NULL
Destination = ""
ElementName = "Listener"
InstanceID = NULL
Name = "TEST2:Indications:AllEvents"
OtherPersistenceType = NULL
OtherProtocol = NULL
PersistenceType = 2
Protocol = 2
SystemCreationClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem"
Filter = "root/interop:CIM_IndicationFilter.CreationClassName=\"CIM_IndicationFil
FailureTriggerTimeInterval = 3600
OnFatalErrorPolicy = 2
OtherRepeatNotificationPolicy = NULL
OtherSubscriptionState = NULL
RepeatNotificationCount = NULL
RepeatNotificationGap = NULL
RepeatNotificationInterval = NULL
RepeatNotificationPolicy = 2
SubscriptionDuration = NULL
SubscriptionState = 2
SubscriptionTimeRemaining = NULL
TimeOfLastStateChange = "20140212160559.819293-300"
Caption = NULL
CreationClassName = "CIM_IndicationFilter"
Description = NULL
ElementName = "Filter"
IndividualSubscriptionSupported = TRUE
InstanceID = NULL
Name = "TEST2:Indications:AllEvents"
Query = "SELECT*FROMCIM_AlertIndication"
QueryLanguage = "WQL"
SourceNameSpaces = {"root/cimv2"}
SourceNameSpace =
SystemCreationClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem"
SystemName = "localhost"

system> cimsub -clear "" -T mm[p]
system> cimsub -clear all -T mm[p]
system> cimsub -T mm[p]
No CIM subscription info available

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