bootseq command

This command sets and displays the boot sequence settings for compute nodes installed in the Flex System Enterprise Chassis.

If command syntax is not correctly entered, or if a command fails to run, an error message is returned. See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands or bootseq command errors for a list of error messages that are specific to the bootseq command.

Table 1. bootseq command.

The command table is a multi-row, four-column table where each row describes a CMM CLI command option: column one lists command function, column two provides a detailed command description, column three shows command-option syntax, and column four lists valid command targets.

Function What it does Command Target (see paths in Command targets)
Display compute node boot sequence Displays the boot sequence of the specified compute node. The command returns a list of all boot devices assigned to the command target, with their order and IDs, and a list of all available boot devices with their information. bootseq
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Set boot sequence for compute node Sets the boot sequence of the specified compute node.
Note: The -seq option must be used exclusive of all other command options.
bootseq -seq devicelist

where devicelist has one or more of the boot device IDs specified, as a pipe-separated ( | ) list in order of preference.

A boot sequence of up to five boot devices can be specified and it can be seen by running the bootseq command with no options.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Blade configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Display information for boot device Displays settings for the specified boot device. bootseq -id ID

where ID is the boot device ID of the boot device.

Valid boot device IDs can be seen by running the bootseq command with no options.

Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Set IP address for boot device (IPv4) Sets IPv4 IP address information for specified boot device of the command target.
  • A boot device must be specified using the -id command option.
  • Use the -i, -g, or -s options with no argument to clear the setting.
  • The host address, net mask, and gateway address must all be specified.
  • After IP address information is initially set, each option can be modified individually.
bootseq -id device_id -i hostaddr -g netmask -s gateway
  • device_id is a unique ID for the boot device.
  • hostaddr is the boot device IPv4 host address.
  • netmask is the boot device IPv4 netmask.
  • gateway is the boot device IPv4 gateway address.

Valid boot device IDs can be seen by running the bootseq command with no options.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Blade configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Clear IP address for boot device Clears IP address information for specified boot device of the command target.
  • A boot device must be specified using the -id command option.
  • The IP address options are cleared by entering no arguments.
  • The host address, net mask, and gateway address must all be cleared together.
bootseq -id device_id -i -g -s

where device_id is a unique ID for the boot device.

Valid boot device IDs can be seen by running the bootseq command with no options.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Blade configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
Compute node:
  • blade[x]
  • where x is the node bay number.
Example: To display the boot sequence for the compute node in node bay 2, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
bootseq -T blade[2]
To display information for boot device 9 for the compute node in node bay 2, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
bootseq -T blade[2] -id 9
To set a boot sequence of PXE network (ID 6), hard disk 0 (ID 8), then floppy disk (ID 0) for the compute node in node bay 2, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
bootseq -T blade[2] -seq 6|8|0
To set IP address information for hard disk 1 (ID 9) for the compute node in node bay 2, while the Flex System Enterprise Chassis is set as the persistent command environment, at the system> prompt, type
bootseq -T blade[2] -id 9 -i -g -s

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

system> bootseq -T blade[2]

Boot Order List

0 (Floppy Disk)
8 (Hard Disk 0)
6 (PXE Network)

  The max of 5 devices can be selected for boot sequence.

Available Boot Device List

Floppy Disk
   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 0

Embedded Hypervisor
   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 1

   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 12

   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 26

   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 27

PXE Network
   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 6

Hard Disk 0
   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 8

Hard Disk 1
   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 9

system> bootseq -T blade[2] -id 9

Hard Disk 1
   Presence: not installed but still selectable
   Status: active
   -id 9

system> bootseq -T blade[2] -seq 6|8|0
system> bootseq -T blade[2] -id 9 -i -g -s

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