Certificate is issued for another website address

If your web browser displays an error message related to the security certificate, use this information solve the problem.


Your browser displays an error message similar to on of the following examples.
Note: The browser error messages might vary slightly from the following examples, depending on the version of the browser that you are using.
For Mozilla Firefox
In the window that is titled This Connection is Untrusted, the following message appears:
This certificate is only valid for domain_name.
For Microsoft Internet Explorer
In the window that is titled There is a problem with this website's security certificate, the following message appears:
The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.

Explanation and resolution

Consider the following list of possible causes:

  1. The certificate presented is a default certificate, and is not intended to contain the correct address.
  2. The system that you are attempting to access can be accessed from more than one address, and you used an address that is not in the certificate. For example, the certificate contains only the hostname of the system, but you attempted to connect with the system IP address.
  3. If you installed a certificate that contains a valid system address, and you attempt to connect to the system at the address given, then this error might indicate a security threat (for example, a man-in-the-middle attack). One possible solution might be to work with the appropriate staff at your organization to determine whether your network security has been compromised.