Security policies

An IBM® Flex System Manager management software security policy is a set of security-related characteristics that define a particular level of protection from security exposures. Depending on its level, the security policy might include account-related policies, communication-protocol enablement, and event-tracking levels.

The management software enforces a chosen security policy for all of its managed resources. The management software offers two types of security policy: Legacy and Secure. Neither policy is customizable.

The management software communicates with managed chassis and identifies them as out-of-sync, or as Managed with a warning icon, if the security policy on the Chassis Management Module (CMM) and the management software do not match.

If a CMM is in a pending state, the CMM is in the process of distributing its security policy to all of the devices it manages. The CMM might have to wait for all the subordinate devices to be restarted or for various other conditions to be corrected before it activates the new policy.
Note: You might shorten the duration that a CMM is in a pending state if you restart the components in the chassis that are also in a pending state.