Running out disk space during update download can cause random application errors and server startup errors

This problem can occur when downloading updates that consume a large amount of disk space.


Updates may consume a large amount of space in the file system, typically /opt or c:/, where IBM® Flex System Manager is installed. Some updates, such as Hardware Management Console and AIX®, can consume gigabytes of disk space when they are downloaded or installed. Running out of free space can cause random application failures and problems starting the IBM Flex System Manager. This consideration is especially important for AIX systems.


Ensure that adequate free space exists in the file system where the updates are being downloaded. The amount of free disk space must be greater than the Maximum disk space to use value in the update Settings function. The maximum disk space to use value can be checked by clicking Release Management > Updates > Settings, and then checking the value on the Locations tab.

Additional information

The default maximum disk space to use for updates is 10 gigabytes. Ensure that this amount of disk space or more is free on the file system where IBM Flex System Manager is installed.