Install log shows multiple invalid subscription messages when you update IBM Flex System Manager to 6.3.3 or later versions

When you update the IBM® Flex System Manager to version 6.3.3 or later, the Install log shows multiple Invalid subscription messages. These messages are also displayed when you update the QLogic and Emulex products.


Run the update manager to update your IBM Flex System Manager to version 6.3.3 or later. When the task completes, the Install log shows multiple Invalid subscription messages. You might also see similar messages for an invalid filter and an invalid handler in the installation log.


When you run the update manager, it tries to delete the subscriptions, filters, and handlers from the cimom directory. If the update manager does not find the subscription, filter, or handler in the cimom directory, it shows the Invalid Subscription, Invalid filter, or Invalid handler messages in the installation log.


When you run the update manager, an initial script deletes all the subscriptions, filters, and handlers before running the update script. When the update script runs, it tries to delete the subscriptions, filters, and handlers again, causing these messages to show in the installation log.


The Invalid subscription, Invalid filter, and Invalid handler messages do not have any functional impact and can be ignored.