Automating tasks

By creating event automation plans and applying them to specific systems, you can automate tasks and other responses to situations that occur in your systems-management environment. For example, when a specified threshold is reached or a specified event occurs, you can be notified by e-mail or phone. Or, you can configure an event automation plan to start a program on a system or change a system variable when a specific event occurs.

About this task

Important: If you are using predefined IBM® Flex System Manager roles, you must have SMAdministrator authority to use the automation tasks in the IBM Flex System Manager Web interface.
IBM Flex System Manager provides the Event Automation Plan wizard as a quick and simple way to create event automation plans that meet most systems-management needs. Using the Event Automation Plan wizard, you can create plans that monitor for the most typical situations in systems-management environments, including, but not limited to, the following examples:
  • Critical hardware events from all systems in your environment
  • Processor (CPU) use in a specific group of systems, such as all servers running Linux
  • All Common Agent managed systems to determine whether Common Agent goes offline
  • The status of updates that are underway
  • Disk space use in systems, such as those that store database data
Then, in response to the situations that you are monitoring, you can choose to send a page or e-mail, or you can start a program on a system. For more information about creating event automation plans and using the Event Automation Plan wizard, see "Creating an event automation plan."

The Event Automation Plan wizard also provides advanced event actions and event filter options that you can use to create event automation plans that can meet very specific needs in your systems-management environment.

Successful implementation of event automation plans requires planning and consideration of how you will implement them. Providing thoughtful descriptions for your event automation plans can be particularly helpful. For more information, see "Planning for event automation plan implementations."